Monday, 7 October 2013

Cattle Dog Surprise

Just back in after a check on all the stock.  Kass as usual loses interest in just pottering about... spots a couple of large black 'sheep'.... and zooms off down the field.

 I watched with interest as she used various tactics to get these reluctant animals to move ... stopping to think between each attempt.  Eventually speedy darts towards the girls encouraged them to move... spurred on now Kass got more determined and I watched in amazement and amusement as my Dexters were moved up the field towards me at the barn.  I called the girls when they got closer and they walked through the gateway into the barn area .......... Kass thinking .... speeds round back of barn to head them off.... I expect her to come racing in and cattle to race out... but shouting 'no' loudly I was amazed to find her stop and return to stand by the gate whilst I give the girls a little treat for their troubles!     Wow!  The cattle dog has arrived!   

Friday, 4 October 2013

Bit quiet here today .... or it would be if the ducks weren't loving the rain! 

  HelpXers  left on Wednesday leaving a huge difference here.  Several trees have been trimmed or pollarded  opening up the veg garden to the sun.  The green house is emptied ready for housing some of the fushia plants for the winter.    The area by the pond is cleared and ready for a seat to enjoy its sheltered sun trap location (that is ofcourse if it isn't teeming down as it is at the moment!).

 The Dexter twins are easier to catch and handle .......... remains to be seen if this lasts.  Their latest trick is to wander in through the gate into the hen run .... they seem to stand there in the run wondering what they are doing there. Maybe they too would like a lovely house... but there would have to be a huge door flap!!

  The ewes are prepared and ready for tupping.   That reminds me I'm supposed to be out shopping for a raddle harness ..... bye for now!